Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Pringles chips and these new flavors

So Pringles has come a long way from just original Pringles they are getting they're competition on and trying to get new consumers to buy Pringles. I'm a fan to new flavorss and Pringles are not greasy at all.So for Christmas they came up with holiday flavors didn't call my attention so I didn't try it maybe if someone would have bought them maybe yes.Now they're spicy lime those break out a fiesta flavor party in mouth wepa now those are some slamming Pringles too bad they are limited time only so I had to go back with a coupon and buy as many as my pocket could afford.So if they are in any supermarket Walmart target or where ever go buy them and start a fiesta in your mouth let me know how they taste. all I needed was a nice margarita but I still can do. well thanks for reading Que Que What yeah that's what I say when something is good.

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